I want to commend everyone involved in the development of Ojibwemowin classes for both middle school and high school students. It is a terrific idea. And News-Herald writer Jane Howard did a great job in presenting this story to us in your most recent issue.
I am almost ashamed to admit that for more than 60 years of home ownership in this most beautiful part of the world I have taken the Ojibwe influence and contribution for granted. We use their names for places and things without knowing what they mean. We share their passion for the beauty that surrounds us without having the understanding to be uplifted by their expressions of reverence for it.
Recently friends introduced me to a writer of mysteries named William Kent Krueger who knows our country and displays great respect for our Native American neighbors. In the process of becoming a fan of his, I have learned what a Shinnob is and I know what Windigo means. It’s a start. But I want to know much more and it seems like we all could benefit by understanding and appreciating this culture that surrounds us.
When I shared Ms. Howard’s piece with a friend who has shared a canoe and boat with me many times, he said, “I think what that school is doing is great. But has anybody considered an Elderhostel? If the Navajos can do it, why not the folks in Cook County?”
Has anybody considered that?
Al Olson
Grand Marais/Eau Claire, WI
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