The U.S. House of Representatives has passed legislation that includes over $16 million to fund a number of water infrastructure and clean energy projects in northeast Minnesota. The Fiscal
Year 2010 Energy and
Water Development
Appropriations Act
is one of 12 appropriations bills Congress must pass to fund the operations of the U.S. government.
Theenergy and water legislation funds vital federal programs that maintain our nation’s navigable waterways and protect habitat. The legislation also funds key energy independence programs. “This legislation makes important investments in many important projects and programs in northeast Minnesota,” said Congressman Jim Oberstar. “With the help of Congressman Dave Obey, we are continuing to fund the design and construction of a second lock at Sault Ste. Marie. The energy and water legislation also includes funding for the Army Corps of Engineers 569 program, which helps communities in northeast Minnesota repair aging water and sewer systems.”
Funding for two Minnesota clean energy programs is also included. The Renewable Energy Clean Air Project in Koochiching County uses new plasma arc technology to convert solid waste to electricity. The Leaders for a Sustainable Tomorrow program will construct buildings with a net-zero carbon footprint, and offer educational programs to show others how to use that technology.
Other projects of importance to Minnesota’s 8th District include $969,000 for the Army Corps of Engineers Section 569 program, northeast Minnesota; $969,000 for planning and design of a second lock at Ste. Sault Marie; $8,613,000 for Duluth Superior Harbor operations and maintenance; $3,229,000 for reservoirs at headwaters of Mississippi River; $333,000 toward Two Harbors harbor operations and maintenance; $1,000,000 for Renewable Energy Clean Air Project, Koochiching County; and $1,500,000 for Today’s Leaders for a Sustainable Tomorrow.
House approval of the final energy and water conference agreement sends the bill to the U.S. Senate. President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law after the Senate gives its final approval.
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