Cook County residents are encouraged to help save lives by donating blood, and there will be two opportunities to do so next month. In addition, giving a donation of blood will mean a donation to the Second Harvest food shelf program. For every donation, a pound of food will be donated to Second Harvest.
Over the past four years, by matching each pint of blood received at Memorial Blood Centers during the month of November with a pound of food given to Second Harvest, the campaign has helped to save as many as 10,000 lives and stocked area food shelves with more than 82,000 pounds of food.
The bloodmobile will be at the Evangelical Free Church parking lot in Grand Marais from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 13. Call Doug or Karen Gale at (218) 387-3179 to sign up to be a donor before Nov. 8.
A blood drive will also be held in the West End on Nov. 12 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Zoar Church in Tofte. Contact Polly Erickson at (218) 663- 7398 to sign up.
Donors who participate can also enter to win one of 10 premium Minnesota Vikings tickets to the Minnesota vs. Green Bay game on December 30, 2012.
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