Cook County News Herald

Trick or Treat



A Girl Scout clocked my son the other night. Right in the eye. Doesn’t seem like normal GS behavior but I suppose I should mention he was wearing a Scream
mask and it was on a haunted trail after dark. There was also a chain saw wielding monster somewhere in the mix.

Her parents needn’t worry if she can defend herself. Clearly, this Girl Scout can react under pressure.

This is what I love about Halloween, the costumes, the spooky decorations and being scared out of my wits at spook houses and spook trails. I might say that I don’t like to be scared but soon after the heart beating out of my chest comes the laughter and side aches.

Do you remember when costumes came in a box with a see through front? There would be a plastic mask of Wonder Woman or Raggedy Ann with tiny eyeholes and a small mouth hole that you just had to try to stick your tongue through. These masks would get very hot and sweaty. (God forbid if you had a runny nose!)



The costume itself was made of a light fabric onepiece outfit that had a string you would tie at the neck. On the North Shore we bought these costumes extra large because we knew we were going to have to try to fit about three layers of clothing underneath on trick or treat night.

I would keep my costume in the toy box and re-wear it over and over until the strings would break and the mask would crack.

One Halloween I remember digging through my Texas gallon pail of Halloween candy looking for a treat when I blew my very first bubble. It just came right out of my mouth and popped! I tell you I had been trying for months to learn to blow a bubble, as it turns out I just needed the right gum. After that I traded my entire trick or treat stash for Bazooka!

I vowed I would trick or treat forever. If you think you might be too old for trick or treating check out this list.
7 signs that you might

be too old to Trick or

Treat in 2010

You have to choose a
costume that covers
your “love handles.”
Children say, ‘Great
mask!’ But you’re not
wearing a mask.
You get out of breath
climbing three steps
to knock at the door.
You ask for high
fiber candy.
You lose your false
teeth while apple
You are the only
‘ghost’ with a walker.
You trick or treat with
a wine glass instead
of a treat bag!

The best part of Halloween is that it lets you be whoever you want
to be if only for just awhile. It’s fun to play pretend. I am reminded of a friend who yelled at her daughter the other day, “You put a spell on your brother right now young lady or I’m taking your wand away.” Thelittle girl had bought a princess costume and was using her new wand to enchant everything in the house except
her little brother who was begging to be turned into a frog. A real working wand, now that would be something!

As a Girl Scout you wouldn’t even need to use a right hook on the guy from Scream,
just turn him into Prince Charming!

Happy Halloween!

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