Well, can’t say Tofte doesn’t know how to throw a party!
Rainy, cold weather kept the crowds down at this year’s 2022 Tofte 4th of July Celebration for part of the day, but when the parade started at 2 p.m., people showed up in droves. And just because it rained more on and then off, it didn’t deter folks from enjoying dancing and listening to the Southpaw band playing in the Firehall garage. The minnow races were once again a big hit as kids cheered for their well-trained, super-fast swimming minnows. And the money pit attracted kids who dug furiously for some free coins. Log rolling was out because it was too cold, but runners lined up early for the Tofte Trek and navigated the challenging trails with smiles on their faces. Tents filled with merchandise attracted folks, and the food stands were busy. Jerry Gervais drove Tofte Citizen of the Year Kim Jahnke in his truck during the parade, and Linda and Skip Lamb of Lamb’s Resort let everyone know this family business has been up and running for 100 years! Fireworks filled the sky at nightfall, commemorating the nation’s big day. Overall, it was a great day to celebrate Independence Day with the visitors, town folks, and the many throngs of tremendous volunteers who helped make the events possible.
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