Cook County News Herald

Time for a break



As the end of another school year becomes a reality, I find that my summer schedule is as busy as ever. A part-time summer job, graduate school, a few house projects, watching my kids play youth baseball, and trying to set up summer activities for athletes has me wondering where any time for fishing and golf might exist.

I have always tried to strive for a life that is focused around family and faith, but I have to admit, that I am as guilty as anyone at being overly worldly. Being “too busy” seems like a horrible excuse for not spending as much time with my wife and kids as I should. Whatever happened to family time being the priority, instead of an optional activity that takes a back seat to the television, Friday nights at the bar, or extra hours at work?

I am not pointing fingers, because I am as guilty as anyone. However, with that being said, I believe this is the right time for me to take a break from writing for the Cook County News Herald. While I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of writing each week, and the shared dialogue with so many of you at the post office, on the phone, or through the mail, now is the time for me to take a break.

One thing that I have learned through the wonderful experience of writing is that it is better to live life with a positive outlook rather than one based on negativity. My one regret is that from time to time in my past, I would take a jab at people or beliefs that I didn’t necessarily agree with. What did that accomplish? My dream is not to create more division between people, but to eliminate it.

While I still believe in absolute truths and common moral values, I find that a much better message is to live the values that you believe in. Talk is cheap; actions will always speak louder than words.

In addition to striving to be a quality husband and a loving father, my passion for working with youth will continue to be in the classroom and athletic arena at CCHS. There has been nothing more personally rewarding than working with the great students and athletes of Cook County.

I never did get to write the column I wanted on Brea Boomer and her relationship with my daughter Rachel; the article on Rick and Cindy Crawford who continually give more and more of themselves to this community; the piece about how much I enjoyed coaching Brandon Dahl this season in football; or the incredible joy that comes from watching your kids on the ball field. There are many school successes and young people in our community to celebrate and I hope from time to time to feature those young people as a guest writer.

I want to personally thank Rhonda Silence and everyone at the News Herald for a great experience. My love for Cook County is stronger than ever and this experience has helped me connect with more people than I ever could have imagined. Let us all continue to work together to provide our children with the best experiences possible.

Mitch Dorr, a Cook County High School Class of 1993 graduate, is now a social studies teacher and coach at his former alma mater. Mitch coaches Vikings football and boys’ basketball. Coach Dorr’s comments do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the ISD 166 school board or administration.

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