A.M. Best has affirmed Thrivent Financial for Lutherans’ A++ (Superior) rating as well as its stable outlook.
The A++ (Superior) rating is the highest of the ratings agency’s 16 ratings categories. A.M. Best cited Thrivent Financial’s strong risk-adjusted capitalization, its favorable and increasing earnings trend, rising assets under management, and its strong affinity and name recognition within its Lutheran policyholder base as the primary reasons for its affirmation.
“We continue to be one of the strongest and most stable financial services firms in the industry,” said Randy Boushek, senior vice president of Thrivent Financial. “A.M. Best’s affirmation of our A++ (Superior) rating reflects that strength and stability as well as our ability to deliver on our promises to our members for years to come.”
The ratings reflect Thrivent Financial’s overall financial strength and claims-paying ability.
Gary Zinter of Silver Bay is the local Thrivent Financial representative. He can be reached at 1-800-777-4533. Or visit www.thrivent.com for more information.
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