Cook County News Herald

Three Cook County students advance in state history competition

Local students repeated their regional award-winning performances at the state competition at UMD. Top: Mara MacDonell performed as Harriet Beecher Stowe. Bottom: Sarah Larsen portrayed Eleanor Roosevelt. Also receiving honors was Kieran Scannell for his website entry on Benoit Mandelbrot.

Local students repeated their regional award-winning performances at the state competition at UMD. Top: Mara MacDonell performed as Harriet Beecher Stowe. Bottom: Sarah Larsen portrayed Eleanor Roosevelt. Also receiving honors was Kieran Scannell for his website entry on Benoit Mandelbrot.

Three students from the Cook County Middle School’s eighth grade class advanced from the regional competition at UMD to the state competition during the recent Minnesota State History Day held at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities.

There were five categories to choose from: Performance, Exhibit, Website, Documentary, and Paper. Each student was required to also write a process paper and annotated bibliography on the 2009 theme of “The Individual in History: Actions and Legacy.”

Mara MacDonell participated in the Performance Category, where she portrayed Harrriet Beecher Stowe in Words and the Fight Against Human Social Injustices. Sarah Larsen chose to portray Eleanor Roosevelt in First Lady of Equality. Kieran Scannell chose to create a website on He Saw Things Differently: Benoit Mandelbrot and His Discovery of Fractals. Kieran was advanced to the finals and was in the top 14 websites in the state of Minnesota. He received an Honorable Mention medal at the final awards ceremony held in Williams Arena, May 2.

Photos courtesy of Cook County Middle School

Photos courtesy of Cook County Middle School

The Grand Marais Lioness Club sponsored all the entry fees for this program.

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