Cook County News Herald

Three Arrowhead director positions open

The grassroots participation in nominating and electing directors is one of the most important powers that members have in controlling a cooperative. Arrowhead Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AECI) is seeking three people to run for its board of directors. Candidates are being sought for threeyear terms in District 3 (Gunflint Trail), District 6 (Lutsen), and District 7 (Tofte). TheAECI election will be held at the annual meeting to be held Saturday, June 19 at St. John’s Catholic Church fellowship hall in Grand Marais.

The current directors in District 3 (Les Edinger) and 6 (Alta McQuatters) have exhausted their terms and are ineligible to run again. The current District 7 director, Tom Spence of Schroeder, has indicated he will run again.

To qualify as a director candidate you must be a member in good standing receiving electric service from Arrowhead Electric Cooperative, Inc., live within the district from which the director is to be elected, have been a member of the cooperative for at least one year, not be a close relative of an employee, not be a convicted felon, and not have a conflict of interest, financial or otherwise, with the cooperative.

Responsibilities of the AECI director include hiring a CEO/general manager, approving policies and policy revisions, approving rates, reviewing and approving operating budgets and work plans, strategic planning and approving various loans and contracts.

Monthly board meetings are held the last Thursday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. with the exception of November and December due to the holiday season.

Members living in districts 3, 6 or 7 who are interested in being considered for nomination or who may know a member believed to be a qualified candidate, are asked to contact a member of the nominating committee.

The nominating committee for 2010 is Mary Petz, 475-2500; Burt Carlsted-Gillis, 387-9502; Fred Smith, 388-0613; Eleanor Waha, 387-1667; Nancy Daley, 387- 9508; Pam McDougall, 663-7068; Carol Tveekrem, 663-8109.

On Tuesday, April 6, the nominating committee will meet and nominate candidates for the director positions.

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