Cook County News Herald

They Must Be Dancing



I just returned yesterday from our annual Women’s Wellness Weekend. This has been a tradition for over 18 years. It started with a woman’s retreat at the Audubon Society Retreat Center in Sandstone. That was nice but then we decided we could organize a retreat ourselves and customize it to our liking. This year was top-notch. A five-night gathering with three sisters, three cousins, a niece, and a friend. Two flew from North Carolina and one came from Las Vegas. The itinerary included a movie night, a 50’s Sock Hop with a DJ, a Haunted Trolley tour, a book club, visits to winery and brewhouses, and lots of crafts and laughs. I was teary-eyed at the end of the long weekend with the thought “We may never pass this way again.”

The term wellness was given because it’s not just about being together, it’s about our mental health. Here we have a safe place to share our thoughts, concerns, and joys from our daily lives. No offense to spouses or children but all women need a place to be vulnerable. And we need a place to dance! No judgment about talent or ability. The freedom to be real with women we love and support. There is a lot of hugging and some crying. Let’s be honest, the last 24 months we have all been inside a pressure cooker and if we don’t manage that steam, we will combust. I look forward to this weekend for an entire year.



I want this wellness for you too, my friend. Find a place for your joy to shine. It doesn’t have to be a five-day weekend. What about a day of hiking with friends? A day of baking? Enjoy a day of shopping if that is your go-to social event. But whatever you choose I suggest there be dancing!! Hugs and Peace to you, Sandy

“To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful… This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking” – Agnes De Mille



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