The coronavirus pandemic is upon us, creating an environment very few, if any, of us in this county/country has experienced. The physical effects were pointing mostly to older adults but are now being seen in the 20 somethings who thought they were impervious. Schools have closed, businesses have closed and socializing in general has become limited.
With churches being closed, what would it be like if the people in this county came outside their houses, on Sunday mornings to read out loud from the Bible for 10 minutes? The idea is not to congregate but simply to speak the Word from your nearest access to Hwy 61. If Hwy 61 is not easily accessible to you then just going outside where ever you are to speak His Word. Yes there is live streaming of services, but what would it be like for the Church to proclaim His Word aloud over this land? His Word is mighty and powerful. Do we know how powerful? Our God, Who spoke this universe into existence, this One, by His Word created all that we know.
I don’t know, but perhaps by speaking His Word aloud in this county He will bless us with continued essential deliveries, not allow the coronavirus to have any further effect in our county, to come against human trafficking, illegal drugs and paraphernalia. I hope many take this challenge, being mindful of safety and social distancing if necessary, to speak the portion of the Bible that the Lord leads you to speak, to cover our county with His Word of life and not the coronavirus.
Liz Wagner, Tofte
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