Cook County News Herald

The Lioness Club has become WISE—honors Lionesses at buffet

Left: Dedicated women who have served as Lionesses over 20 years stand in line for fishcakes: Nancy Dalbec, Carole Quaife, Sandi Daleiden, Sharon Jackson, Beth Schroeder, Martha Rosbacka, Michelle Korst, Nancy Waver. Above: Sally Berg poses with her cantaloupe owl. Photos courtesy of Ann Mershon

Left: Dedicated women who have served as Lionesses over 20 years stand in line for fishcakes: Nancy Dalbec, Carole Quaife, Sandi Daleiden, Sharon Jackson, Beth Schroeder, Martha Rosbacka, Michelle Korst, Nancy Waver. Above: Sally Berg poses with her cantaloupe owl. Photos courtesy of Ann Mershon

Change is healthy—and WISE. At least for the former Lioness Club, which has morphed into WISE, Women’s Initiative for Service and Education. Last week WISE sponsored its first Fisherman’s Picnic buffet at St. John’s Catholic Church, a great success.

First on the agenda was honoring the Lioness Club members who have given 20 or more years of service to the community through that organization. They were honored with a thank-you letter, a free meal, and places at the front of the line.

Lioness 20+ years of service Honorees were: Bev Denyes, Barb Erickson*, Lou Goodell, Thelma Hedstrom* (in memoriam), Sharon Jackson*, Ethel Johnson, Ione Jones, Skip Joynes*, Michelle Korst, Nancy Lindquist, Irene Malner*, Ingo Nelson, Irene Peterson, Carole Quaife, Martha Rosbacka, Beth Schroeder, Kathy Waver, Karen Waver, Nancy Waver. (*Original Charter Members).

Next on the agenda was the traditional fishcake, ham and meatball buffet. WISE members donated baked beans, hot and cold potato salad, condiments, desserts, and many other items for the buffet. This year they decided to extend the meal to two full hours (1½ in the past), which resulted in a more relaxing evening.



Sally Berg, co-chair of the buffet with Michelle Korst, created a cantaloupe owl for the table centerpiece, a work of art. Sally and Michelle put countless hours into organizing WISE’s 56 members into a well-oiled team, also enlisting the services of Pete Ryden and Fred Caine to slice meat and wash dishes.

Next on the agenda was the Silent Auction, which included items from over 100 local businesses and another 60 individuals. A number of businesses made cash donations to the cause, notably the Cook County Whole Foods Co-op, who donated $900 to WISE. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, the auction more than doubled its bottom line this year.

In addition to the above events, winners were drawn for the WISE art raffle. Margy Skarhaug won a Tim Young painting, Ann Belleman won a Maggie Anderson bowl, and Laurie Spry won a fused glass piece by Mary Bebe.

Funds from this event will be distributed to children and families in Cook County through education grants, donations to non-profits, and a $1000 scholarship to a deserving senior.

WISE thanks everyone who participated to make this event a success, with over $10,000 raised for their projects. If anyone would like to join WISE, contact Ann Marie Mershon or 218-387-2245.

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