Cook County News Herald

“The Ice Storm of 2009: Will the trees survive?”

Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association is offering a free program about the ice storm of 2009 at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 27 at Sugarloaf Cove.

Travelers along scenic North Shore Highway 61 may be shocked to see an abundance of damaged trees this year and wonder what happened and will the trees survive? Sugarloaf naturalist Alexis Berke will describe the ice storm of 2009 and show amazing pictures of the storm and the damage it caused. She will also talk about the future of the North Shore forest and how area foresters are planning for the future.

This program is for all ages. Sugarloaf Cove is located on Highway 61 at milepost 73.3 between Little Marais and Schroeder.

For more information, contact Alexis Berke at (218) 663- 7674 or

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