So what happens to old textbooks no longer needed in the classroom? Cook County School District 166 needed to find an answer to that question this summer.
As ISD 166 middle and high school students return to math studies this fall, they will be using new curriculum recently purchased to support students in effective learning of twenty-first century problem solving skills and strategies. Last spring the school board gave strong support to adopting new math textbooks and support materials as part of the regular curriculum cycle.
Teachers are excited to have more student/ parent friendly books as well as support materials that encourage problem-solving and teamwork in real world context for students.
Math Teacher Kaye Tavernier explains that the math curriculum committee was able to save some money in the purchase of textbooks (as did the language arts department the year before them) by going through a used textbook company. Books are cheaper than those purchased new from the publishers, but are often gently used. The company only deals in most recent editions of popular textbooks, but sells them at approximately 80% of price of brand new texts. It worked out nicely for ISD 166, saving about $8000.
But what to do with the old texts, too old to be purchased by the company that collects and resells textbooks? After a little research, Tavernier found a charitable organization, Books for Africa, that would take donations of 1995 or later textbooks. Books for Africa is the largest shipper of books to the African continent. During the last year they have sent three million text, library, and reference books valued at $20 million to partners in 24 African countries.
On two different trips to the Twin Cities this summer, Tavernier hauled over 40 boxes of used math textbooks to the St. Paul BFA donation center. Of course shipping the books to Africa can be costly and so donations of cash are readily accepted to help cover those shipping costs. A personal donation was an easy decision for our local math teacher, who obviously cares much for math education of all children. Anyone interested in donating books or money to Books for Africa can easily find the charity on-line or by calling the St. Paul office at 651-602-9844.
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