To: All parties interested in the location of the bridge over the Fall River on the Gitchi-Gami State Trail
The public had their first opportunity at a meeting in Grand Marais on July 12 to learn what the DNR Parks and Trails Division was proposing for a trail layout for a new segment of the Gitchi-Gami State Trail from the west limits of Grand Marais to the Cut Face Rest Area.
A letter to the editor appeared in the Cook County News-Herald July 6 that expressed concern over the proposed location of a bridge in front of the falls of Fall River. Because of a public outcry in opposition to the proposed location of the bridge and the approval of it by those in favor, Mayor Jay Arrowsmith-DeCoux requested the DNR to hold an informational meeting in Grand Marais.
An informational meeting was held on July 12. Information provided by the DNR only showed the trail that they were proposing be built. No discussion was held as to what other trail options might be available. After the meeting the DNR picked up all of the information that was available to the public and left town. Nothing was left for anyone not able to attend the meeting to review. This has been the only public information meeting about this trail.
We told the Parks and Trails Division that the Gitchi-Gami State Trail 2016 Plan Update & Scoping Report; Scoping Process, page 11, says that “Any projects that are funded will go through a standard planning, engineering, and construction process and will include multiple opportunities for public comment and stakeholder feedback.”
We asked why there had been no public information hearing scheduled by the DNR to get public input about the pros and cons of possible bridge locations before their favored trail layout was “90 percent complete through the review stage.”
Erica Rivers indicated that the trail design criteria that ultimately led to choosing to build the bridge directly in front of the falls was “in alignment with the Gitchi-Gami master plan which was produced through a robust public process in 2002.” She did not see the need for further public input but said that at “our urging the DNR also had provided another local public input opportunity earlier this summer to gain additional insights.”
The public meeting that was held in Grand Marais only showed the DNR’s favored location for the bridge.
Bryan Hansel and I met with Parks and Trails Planning representatives from Two Harbors and St. Paul at the river where it comes out from under Highway 61 on August 10. We were shown a Concept Draft Only Drawing C10 that indicated that a bridge consisting of precast concrete beams could be located in the area of the box culvert at the outflow.
From August 10 to the present Senior Project Manager Kent Skaar and his team have totally defended their preferred location for a bridge in front of the falls with support for it from the Gitchi-Gami Trail Association. It would seem that they cannot find any valid reason for locating the bridge where it comes out from under Highway 61.
For this reason, I wrote a “Pro and Con” comparison for a bridge at each location.
Just as I finished writing the report comparing the two locations, we became aware of some interesting news. MnDOT is planning on replacing the culvert on the Fall River that goes under Highway 61 next summer – in 2019. Since MnDOT is a partner with the DNR in the Gitchi-Gami State Trail program, it seems that this would be an ideal opportunity to work with them to have the bridge located there as part of their box culvert replacement project.
The Parks and Trails Division knew about the culvert replacement at least two months ago. They have been working with MnDOT to see how both projects could be done jointly. was told that the DNR has now told MnDOT that the DNR would be planning a bridge crossing the river by themselves. That bridge would be located in front of the falls.
The Parks and Trails Division Director Erica Rivers also has told us that due to “safety concerns” in all probability after the Gitchi-Gami trail is built so that it crosses the river in front of the falls, the trail used by the public to go to the falls and lake will be closed to the public. People that want to visit the falls can use the Gitchi- Gami trail. Also, parking on the shoulder of Highway 61 will be prohibited.
All of the land below the highway that includes the Fall River and 900 feet of lakeshore, a total of 43.43 acres, is owned by the State of Minnesota DOT, not the DNR.
A video of the Fall River is available. Here’s a link to the video:
Senator Bakk and Representative Ecklund will be in Grand Marais the Wunderbar on Tuesday, October 23. The meeting agenda includes time from 1:30 to 2:45 for questions from local citizens. We do not believe that the information that they have received on this issue from the DNR was balanced or complete. Please let them know your opinion on where the bridge should be located. Go to the meeting or write, call or email them using the information below. Action needs to be taken now.
Representative Rob Ecklund, Senator Thomas Bakk
311 State Office Building, MN
Senate Bldg., Room 2221
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
95 University Ave. W.
Saint Paul, MN 55155
651-296-2190 651-296-8881
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