Parents may be looking forward to school, but kids may be a bit nervous about that first day. The Cook County News-Herald talked to a few local teachers, asking for their thoughts as the start of the school year nears. Here are their best “back-to-school tips.”
Keith Bergeron Math, Science & Health Oshki Ogmaag
The tip I would offer is to get on a set schedule for eating and sleeping—no more staying up until midnight eating snacks. Also, it’s a good idea to set aside a little time for reading.
Sue Butter K-1 teacher Great Expectations
I have kindergarten and first grade students so my perspective is a bit different. I would suggest just talking positively about school—what it’s going to be like, who your child will know at school. Even if you as a parent
are a little bit nervous, don’t
let your kids know. Visiting the classroom is helpful and reading about going to school is a good idea. There are a lot of really good books available. (See a list of suggested back to school reading below)
Christina Anderson 4th & 5th grade teacher Birch Grove
Get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast and bring a good attitude to school.
Dena Schulte Kindergarten Sawtooth Elementary
Start going to bed early, to get into a new sleeping routine. Read a story before going to bed—that’s a good part of the daily routine all the time. Parents need to stay positive about their kids starting school and this new adventure. It’s a lot harder on mom and dad than on the kids!
Dan Viren Science Teacher Cook County Middle School
The biggest thing is to start getting into the school routine— going to bed and getting up early. Also, spend some time reading, getting those minds going again!
Al Heine Science Teacher Cook County High School
I would tell students to find a book that they really enjoy and read, read, read. The funny thing about learning is the more you read and know, the more easily you learn and the more likely it is that you will find something that connects to new information.
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