Cook County News Herald

Task force releases broadband report

After 12 months of statewide meetings to gather information on the best practices and action steps Minnesota can take toward achieving border-to-border broadband access, the Broadband Task Force has issued its Annual Report and Broadband Plan for Gov. Dayton’s consideration.

The report, issued by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, includes policy recommendations to promote the expansion of broadband access in Minnesota. The report also identifies adoption and access disparities throughout the state and outlines the benefits of universal broadband access to the state’s economy, including more efficient delivery of healthcare, education and government services.

The task force developed eight specific recommendations, including to provide a tax credit or grant as incentive to build in unserved areas; coordinate with Connect Minnesota to provide target areas that are underserved or unserved and provide priority for projects that will serve these target areas; extend current sales tax exemption on equipment purchased for use in a central office to include the purchase of fiber optics and broadband equipment; create a program or mechanism to coordinate rural broadband installation with state and federal programs assisting hospitals, schools, libraries, and public safety facilities with obtaining broadband; implement a formal “Dig Once” process to coordinate highway construction and broadband deployment projects; develop a Minnesota fiber collaboration database; award scholarship dollars for broadband access for students, especially those who meet federal poverty guidelines; increase funding to public libraries and schools for computer stations and Internet access; and establish an ongoing, post-task force resource within state government for high-speed broadband-focused efforts in the future.

“I would like to thank the Broadband Task Force for its commitment over the past year,” said Commissioner Mike Rothman. “The Task Force took their charge seriously, understanding the economic benefit to our communities­­— urban, rural, and suburban—to have access to the technology and resources to compete in a global economy.”

The Governor’s Task Force on Broadband was created in August 2011 by Gov. Dayton through Executive Order 11-27 to develop, implement, and promote state broadband policy, planning, and initiatives to achieve state broadband needs and goals. Dayton appointed 15 members representing a balance of broad interests, including Danna MacKenzie, director of Information Services for Cook County.

More information about the Broadband Task Force, broadband activities in Minnesota and the state’s broadband goals can be found on the Department of Commerce’s website.

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