Saturday, March 21 was a perfect day to eat chili. Outside it was cold and blustery, but inside the Fellowship Hall at St. John’s Catholic Church in Grand Marais, diners were warmed by the sunshine streaming in the windows and with the savory samples of chili at the 6th annual Cook County Chili Cook Off.
There was a delightful variety of chili all offered with smiles from the servers. There were meatless chilis and chilis cooked with chicken, moose meat or fish. Some were topped with cheese, some with sour cream; several with chives or other herbs. One contestant, Beth’s Fudge, offered tiny but delicious chocolate caramel-pretzel desserts.
The judges—Kay Borud, Alice Marie Veurink, Inger Andress, Pat Hennessy, Dave Howe, Grand Marais Mayor Jay Arrowsmith DeCoux and County Commissioner Frank Moe— had the task of picking the best chili of the day. As she announced the winners, Jennifer Sutton said, “It was really close. The judges loved all of the chilis.”
After a lengthy taste comparison session, the winners were declared. Taking third place and a gift certificate to the Cook County Whole Foods Co-op were Dave and Gayle Harvey with their Superior Chili— “Guaranteed to Gitche Gumee”— with fish. In second place was “Little Lindy Lou Who” with a white chicken chili. Chef Linden Sutton won a gift certificate for the Crooked Spoon Café.
Claiming first place and a $200 prize was WTIP Community Radio. Julie and Rodney Carlson, Skip Joynes and Sherri Lindskog teamed up to cook up a traditional chili served with a masterful presentation of cheese, chips and sour cream on top.
Chili enthusiasts also had the opportunity to vote for their favorite chili. Finishing third in the “People’s Choice” competition was “Little Lindy Lou Who.” In second place was WTIP radio. And the people’s first choice was the Superior fish chili offered by Dave and Gayle Harvey.
Proceeds of the event support the Coldwater Foundation, a leadership and community development organization, and a different local charity each year. This year the Chili Cook Off benefitted the Cook County “Snacks & Pack Backpack Food Program.” The Backpack program discreetly provides a bag with an assortment of nutritious foods to children at the end of each week to ensure that children are getting enough to eat over the weekend.
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