Everyone is invited to Cardio Tennis on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Cook County public tennis courts in Grand Marais.
Cardio Tennis is a one-hour aerobic workout where players have an opportunity to
practice hitting a variety of tennis shots, fed by teaching pros or advanced players, while moving at their own pace to some lively music.
All ages and skill levels are invited to participate.
Cost is $2 per session. This is not an instructional program, but you will have an opportunity to have fun hitting some tennis balls while taking part in a high-energy workout.
The program will be held every Tuesday (except July 28) through Aug. 11.
For more information, contact John Muus at 387-2198, or jcmuus@boreal.org
Cardio Tennis will be cancelled when it is raining, or the courts are too wet to play on.