Cook County News Herald

Sugarloaf Cove seeks trail clean up volunteers

Staff photo/Rhonda Silence The Maple Hill Community Fire Department has been the grateful recipient of used equipment from the Elk River Fire Department, receiving a 1979 cab-over fire truck and a 1980 Ford pumper. On Wednesday, May 6, the fire department returned the favor, donating its 1970 Ford pumper truck to the Nolalu Volunteer Fire Department of Nolalu, Ontario. Deputy Fire Chief Bob Payne of the Nolalu Fire Department expressed appreciation to Maple Hill Fire Chief Ed Hedstrom when he came to Grand Marais to pick up the truck. It will replace a 1967 Dodge with a broken frame.

Staff photo/Rhonda Silence The Maple Hill Community Fire Department has been the grateful recipient of used equipment from the Elk River Fire Department, receiving a 1979 cab-over fire truck and a 1980 Ford pumper. On Wednesday, May 6, the fire department returned the favor, donating its 1970 Ford pumper truck to the Nolalu Volunteer Fire Department of Nolalu, Ontario. Deputy Fire Chief Bob Payne of the Nolalu Fire Department expressed appreciation to Maple Hill Fire Chief Ed Hedstrom when he came to Grand Marais to pick up the truck. It will replace a 1967 Dodge with a broken frame.

Sugarloaf Cove will host a trail clean up and improvement event in celebration of American Hiking Society’s 17th annual National Trails Day on June 7.

Work begins at the Cove at 9 a.m. and continues until 4 p.m. Participants can join in at any time. Lunch will be provided for participants.

No registration is necessary. This program takes place at Sugarloaf Cove, located lakeside off Hwy 61 at mile 73.3.

For more information about Sugarloaf ‘s National Trails Day event contact Molly Thompson at molly@sugarloafnorthshore. org or call 218-525-0001.

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