Cook County News Herald

Successful Red Kettle Campaign for Cook County’s Salvation Army Service Unit

“Thanks to a community generous with both its time and money, we’ve had a successful Red Kettle Campaign,” said Mary Sanders, coordinator for the Cook County Salvation Army Service Unit’s annual event. Sanders reported the campaign brought in more than $9,500 that will be budgeted for the service unit’s work in the next year.

One of the larger service unit expenditures has been for emergency heating fuel assistance. Funds are also applied to providing emergency food and housing, especially when other agencies can’t meet these needs. And the unit has also worked on other less critical but important needs, such as school supplies and baskets to shut-ins.

These less critical projects require planning and hands to do the work of making them happen. At this time the service unit is seeking additional heads for planning and hands to enable its projects. The service unit extends an invitation to anyone who would like to become a part of this work. Come to the next meeting on Monday, January 14 at noon until about 1:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church at 300 West 2nd Street to learn about the Cook County Salvation Army Unit and its work.

The Salvation Army’s divisional representative from Roseville will be in attendance at the meeting. If you have questions, contact Arvis Thompson at (218) 387-2487, Sharon Bloomquist at (218) 387-1714 or Mary Sanders at (218) 387-1729 or e-mail:

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