The Boboes still progress on their journey into the Kingdom of Unlikeness. The unending repetition through Orgueil’s roundabouts always promise much but deliver little; Boboes still leave seeking good and still arrive finding only themselves. Like those Boboes before us, “What should have been gold always ended up as synd.”
Boboes of all ages can neither run away from, nor change, the one each has made of himself or herself.
But let us return to the story of our life. It will be said of all Boboes that, throughout their time and times they continued under the empty leadership of Teufel. Theyall were the same in their unlikeness; their lives continued lonely and meaningless.
A rift among them had begun when the messages and word of Being began to be received, remembered and taught. This difference could not be seen on the surface, but it must have been significant because some were now saying that the words of Teufel were lies. They claimed that a thing called pistis was working in their lives; what before had been cloudy and unknown had now been exchanged with the familiar and clear. This pistis seemed to be dynamite among them, for it exploded its power into the fabric of their thoughts, words and actions.
TheBoboes who were thus affected claimed to be living a life outside themselves. Even when they found themselves at times traveling the meaningless loops of life with other Boboes, they claimed to no longer be compelled to follow the leading of Teufel. Instead, they said that they followed another – in the person of son of the King of Being. Even when other Boboes ridiculed them as being “Boboes out of their minds,” the Sons of Being smiled as they recalled that their new journey was not of their own making.
TheKing of Being had sent messengers promising help for the Boboes who were trapped in the kingdom of Unlikeness with its synd. These two-part messages contained things like, “Let each Bobo forsake his way, and the one with synd his thoughts; Let each Bobo return to Being, for He will abundantly pardon.”
One of the effects of messages like this could be seen in Teufel. Upon the speaking of the message, a twitch would start in Teufel’s right hand and spread throughout his entire being until on some occasions, he could even be found lying convulsing, on the ground.
At a certain time, a wondrous – some said miraculous – thing did occur: a baby was born and grew to adulthood. Thisone was born to a Bobo woman, and yet was always at odds and fighting against Teufel and his army of helpers.
His claim was simple and yet far reaching; he had come to rescue the trapped and enslaved Boboes. He would mysteriously assimilate the Boboes with pistis into himself. He would destroy the sign: “All Exits Are Final!” that prevented their return to the Kingdom of Being, and he would carry the Boboes who would not jump from him back into the kingdom of their origin. This unique Son of Being would bring back those pistis-filled Sons and Daughters of Being to the safety and security of their newly prepared and constructed Harbor of Home.
TheSons of Unlikeness and the Sons of Being received this Prince of Being differently. The former continued on the path of what Frenchmen call “Orgueil” – always going from unbelief to skepticism and finally residing in disbelief. TheSons of Being, however while they also started in unbelief, had been re-made differently and they didn’t refuse to be carried along by pistis in the way of the Prince of Being.
Ironically, the Prince of Being could easily identify those who belonged to the true Sons of Being because this “pistis thing” was his handiwork and everyone knows that a true craftsman always recognizes his own work. He was even preparing a book – his book of life as he called it; it was to contain the names of all those he carries.
The outcome for Boboes of all ages is this: The Prince of Being has been successful. Even Teufel and his band know this … and tremble. Before he returned to the King of Being with that victory, he was often heard speaking these words to all Boboes, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
Author’s post-script:
If the
message delivered throughout
these last five weeks still confuses
you, go to the Spanish for
“Bobo,” the German for “Teufel,”
the French for “Orgueil,” the
Swedish for “Synd,” and the
Greek for “Pistis.”
Each month a member of the
Cook County Ministerium will
offer Spiritual Reflections. This
month’s s contributor is Rev.
Dennis C. Schutte, pastor of
Life in Christ Lutheran Church.
Pastor Schutte has lived in
Cook County (Lutsen) since
2000 serving as Pastor and
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