A special primary election will be held in Grand Portage to fill the unexpired term of secretary-treasurer and committeeman seat II on the Grand Portage Reservation Tribal Council (RTC) on Tuesday, December 7. Polls open are open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Grand Portage Community Building.
Thevacancies result from the resignation of Dean Deschampe who was elected to the RTC in June 2009 and who resigned in October 2010.
Theelection is held in accordance with Minnesota Chippewa Tribe ordinances, which require a sitting committeeman to give up his or her seat to run for one of the council’s officer positions, such as the secretary-treasurer seat. Rob Hull, who currently serves as committeeman II, is doing that. He is giving up his committeeman seat to run for the vacant secretarytreasurer position, an unexpired four-year term.
Hull faces challengers April (Clearwater-Day) McCormick and Geraldine Kozlowski.
That leaves Hull’s committeeman seat open and 12 citizens have filed for that unexpired four-year term. Running for committeeman are Dana Logan, Arvid Dahl, Earl Johnson, Wallace M. Deschampe, Cheryl D. (Sherer) Kauppi, A.W. “Buddy” Duhaime, Lena Santos, Donavan Dahmen, Jacki Kozlowski, Justin Deschampe, Charlene James, Christina “Tina” Deschampe.
The special primary is overseen by Election Judge Gale Carlson, Alternate Election Judge Bill Dahl, Clerk Carol Cleveland, and Teller Marcy McIntire. The citizens elected in the primary will be on the general election ballot on Feb 8.
The Grand Portage Reservation Tribal Council is the governing body of the reservation. The enrolled members of the band elect the tribal council officers. The council oversees health care, social services, education, jobs, housing, public safety, and more.
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