Many a year ago when I was a teen I remember going to Duluth on a shopping adventure with my friends. The problem with that adventure, however, was that my friends had plans that it would be a “shoplifting” adventure. Buckling under peer pressure, I fell in with the program. I was terrified. But, I tried my hand at it anyway.
I also remember the terror and mortification when we got hauled upstairs to the “interrogation” room at Target when we got caught. That is one of those memories that will never leave my mind. I am not proud of that time in my life. I remember that the Target folks were unable to reach my parents via phone at the time so they told me they expected me to tell my parents myself. I felt so ashamed. I had let my parents down. They had always taught me to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I had betrayed my parents’ trust.
Why am I relating this story to you? Because there has been a rash of shoplifting and stealing going on of late at our local businesses in our community. I do not use the word “rash” lightly. It is insidious. It spreads and harms and adversely affects those whom we love and live with. It is not an easy thing in this county to make a living. It’s a struggle for many businesses to keep their doors open all year round to support themselves and provide income for others of our community so they can provide for themselves and their families.
If you are a shoplifter and/or know of someone who is, how would you feel if someone stole from you? Would you be angry; feel hurt; want “justice” done for that act that was committed against you? What are you going to do about it? Thank you and God bless to all of you who care about your family, friends and community and show it by your actions. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Mary Jo Flack
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