Cook County News Herald

Sheriff’s Office seeks owners of 12 bikes



TheCook County Sheriff ‘s Officeis preparing to sell 12 bicycles that have been turned in to the sheriff ‘s office as “found” property. Bikes were found at various locations throughout Cook County.

If you own one of the bicycles described below, contact Chief Deputy Leif Lunde at (218) 387-3030. Bike owners will be expected to provide detailed information identifying a bicycle to be able to claim it.

The bicycles currently in storage at Cook County Law Enforcement are:

»» Takara brand, 10 speed;
»» Roadmaster, 15 speed;
»» Trek, 21 speed (two available);
»» Haro, single speed;
»» Roadmaster, 15 speed;
»» Huffy, 10 speed;
»» Mongoose, single speed;
»» G.T. Outbound, 7 speed;
»» Unknown brand, white on color, single speed;
»» “NEXT” brand, 21 speed;
»» Schwinn, 18 speed.

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