Cook County News Herald

Senior class book project offers perfect gift-giving option

In a bookmaking project, Cook County High School seniors learned how books are bound and worked together to select colors and themes. Students created wonderfully unique books that are on sale at a variety of locations in Grand Marais.

In a bookmaking project, Cook County High School seniors learned how books are bound and worked together to select colors and themes. Students created wonderfully unique books that are on sale at a variety of locations in Grand Marais.

Senior high school students spent a week in October binding books suitable for guest books or journals, in preparation for designing their own Senior Book in the spring.

The seniors worked with Karen Smaby, an expert bookmaker who has collaborated with a number of teachers on special projects over the last 15 years. “The plan is to give students a chance to understand how a simple book is bound, so that they gain the knowledge to design a very personal book that is uniquely their own,” said Smaby.

The binding and design work was done collaboratively—each book had many hands working on it. Smaby explained that each day students could choose a different step to learn and practice—folding, sewing, choosing, covering, collaging…. so books would be started by one person and moved along the assembly line. Even at the collage part—someone could start on it, and then another could take it a little further. Since each book is different, there was no problem agreeing on colors— they’re all colors.

“Each student can lay a claim on many books, which is why when they signed them they just chose the books they signed at random—they are part of them all,” said Smaby.

If there is a theme for the Class of 2013 book project, it is the inclusion of beautiful photography from Jane Gellner’s graphic arts class. “The photography became the endpapers and collage on many of the books,” said Smaby.

“These books are blank, for other people to write in,” said Smaby. “Their own books will be full of essays, poems, and photographs of people, places, events…that have been important in shaping their lives here in Cook County. Ivy Church [Senior class advisor] is the magician there.”

Class advisor Ivy Church said in past years, different grants and donations from the Cook County Education Foundation, the Grand Marais Lionesses, the Grand Portage Band, the Northwoods Fiber Guild, and generous individuals have helped to fund the senior book project. Creation of the gift books this year is made possible through a special grant from Education Minnesota.

The 2013 edition is available at Java Moose, Northern Hi-Lites (Lisa Larsen) and Lake Superior Trading Post. The books are perfect gifts: locally made, and the proceeds support making more books!

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