Former skeptic Dr. Don Bierle will be presenting the evidence that changed his mind from doubt to confidence about the Christian faith to North Shore communities on Saturday, Oct. 3. Bierle’s revealing presentation of FaithSearch will be held at the Schroeder Town Hall from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Thefree event is being sponsored by Zoar Lutheran Church of Tofte.
Bierle, a Ph.D. biologist, said the seminar reflects the life-changing discoveries he had in his own spiritual journey. “Though I attended church in my youth, God never seemed real or personal. My success in athletics won me a college scholarship, and I soon became enthralled with academics— convinced that science held all the answers to life.”
A big turnaround in his life occurred when science colleagues challenged him to examine the evidence for the historical reliability of the New Testament writings about Jesus. “I was astounded,” said Bierle, “to learn that the New Testament manuscripts are more numerous and far more certain to be eyewitness accounts than any other ancient writings.”
This discovery, coupled with the realization that apart from an infinite and personal God he had no purpose for his life, caused him to reconsider the claims of Jesus Christ.
In his book, Surprised by Faith, he describes the forgiveness and new life that he found. He shares this in FaithSearch, along with answers to some of the most important questions in life: Why am I here? Can I believe the Bible? Is Jesus really God? Are all religions the same? and How can I experience God?
Dr. Bierle has presented FaithSearch for 25 years to thousands of people throughout the United States and overseas. A college professor and academic dean for almost 25 years, Bierle is now president of FaithSearch International of Minneapolis. In addition to authoring several books and videos, he presents other seminars on Christian evidence, including the popular “Making Sense of Creation and Evolution.”
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