Cook County News Herald

Schroeder Historical Society wins state grant

The Schroeder Area Historical Society is among 48 recipients of Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants.

The grants are awarded in dozens of counties across the state to help local organizations preserve and share Minnesota history.

“Every year, we receive hundreds of grant proposals for the cause of history and historic preservation,” said David Grabitske, manager of outreach services for the Minnesota Historical Society. “We review each proposal to ensure the project meets established criteria and will preserve and enhance Minnesota’s cultural and historical resources. This latest round of grants wisely uses the power of history to transform lives and communities while building a legacy for Minnesota.”

The Minnesota Historical Society has also awarded Legacy-funded partnership grants to organizations working together to preserve and share Minnesota history. The partnership grants promote the sharing of knowledge and resources among historical organizations and extend the reach of Legacy history funds across the state. The grants are administered through a competitive process using professional standards and criteria.

The Schroeder Area Historical Society will receive $1,629 for a StEPs Program Assessment to grow the capacity of the organization to preserve and interpret history through a national training standard.

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