In an effort to reduce the budget in light of declining enrollment and uncertain funding, School Superintendent Beth Schwarz proposed to the ISD 166 school board on March 15 that they consider reducing the 2012-13 academic calendar by 15 instructional days, saving $85,000 in the process. About $20,000 of this would come from savings in fuel and bus driver pay and $15,000 would come from paraprofessional pay. Other savings would come from reductions in food service, materials, utilities, and supplies, according to Schwarz.
Reducing 15 instructional days would require making each school day 28 minutes longer than this year’s school day. The amount of time students would spend in the classroom would still “greatly exceed” the 1,020 hours a year required by the state, Superintendent Schwarz said.
The superintendent also proposed moving the winter break to the last week in March. This would break up the school year better and would come between the third and fourth quarters.
The proposed calendar would have school start the Friday before Labor Day, August 31, and end May 31.
Capital projects
The board authorized the superintendent to seek bids on tuck pointing the outside bricks of the school complex, repair and maintenance on the roof of the Arrowhead Center for the Arts wing, and cleaning and painting the varsity gym and refinishing its floor.
Electronic use policy
The board adopted an electronic use policy that addresses, among other things, Internet and cell phone text interactions between staff and students.
The policy states, “The district prohibits social networking relationships on non-district approved networks between ISD 166 employees and students and between ISD 166 employees and alumni under the age of 18. …Administrative approval is needed before activating any social media networking with students or texting students. … Texting students is prohibited unless permission has been obtained from a school administrator and parent/guardian of a student.”
According to Superintendent Schwarz, the “district-approved network” is the network of computers at the school. In an email to the News-Herald, she said, “Yes, we are saying that employees should not have minors as ‘friends’ on personal facebook pages or other social media. It is a very dangerous practice which has resulted in issues in many district. However, if an employee has a public page for academic or programming purposes, they can request permission to set up a page.”
The board accepted the resignation of Family and Consumer Science Teacher Cindy Muus “with great regrets and appreciation” effective at the end of the school year. She took advantage of a retirement incentive package.
Muus began her career at Cook County High School in 1976 and shared the second and third spots on the seniority list with K.B. O’Neill. The only teacher who has been there longer is science teacher Marc Tavernier, who started in 1974.
Long-term substitute
The board approved hiring special education teacher Annette Valdivia as a longterm substitute. Valdivia, who just moved here from another state with 26 years of experience, will fill April Wahlstrom’s position while Wahlstrom fills in for a teacher out on medical leave. Superintendent Schwarz expected Valdivia to be needed at least six weeks. School board business in February included: . The board approved an agreement with the North Superior Ski and Running Club for its sponsorship and administration of the track and field program. The school will pay up to $3,700 for transportation and the club will provide coaching. Superintendent Schwarz said the team “exploded” to 40 kids last year. . The superintendent expressed appreciation for numerous recent donations, including $1,662 earned by volunteers at First and Second Thrift Shop and $2,098 from the Cook County Booster Club for coaching staff. . By a vote of three ayes and one abstention, with school board member Leonard Sobanja absent and Terry Collins abstaining, the board approved a one-year contract with Superintendent Schwarz. Contract days were reduced from 260 to 240 with 15 vacation days, nine paid holidays, three personal days, and sick days accumulating at the rate of 1.25 per month to a maximum of 120 days (24 weeks). The superintendent’s salary will be $95,000.
At the March 15 school board meeting, the board voted unanimously to discontinue or reduce the following programs and positions for FY2012-13. The “full-time equivalents” (FTEs) in staff reductions are in parentheses:
. Family and Consumer
Science program (1)
. One general
chemistry class (.17)
. One geometry class (.17)
. One section of
fifth grade (1)
. One special ed instructor (1)
. 2 duty periods
(extra tasks such as
hallway monitoring) (.29)
. District office administrative
assistant position
(6 hours through 1-1-13
and 26 hours thereafter)
. 15 days for each
bus driver (.24)
. K-12 administrative
assistant(s) (.153)
. Maintenance I
personnel (.268)
. Paraprofessional (1.57)
. Reduction of
director package ($6,685)
. Reduction in
athletics ($10,000)
. Reduction in
health services ($12,000)
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