Cook County News Herald

Say Their Name



His name was Gary. He was the second son of Art and LaVonne and a brother to Sandy. Gary was born and raised on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Graduated Class of ’82. His legacy included five children and had he lived Gary would now have eight grandchildren. I think that would have blown his mind and he would have been proud. Instead, we have lived these past ten years without him. Time has continued. There are lots of “what ifs and what could have been” but slowly the healing has come. I say his name often. Sometimes I call my sons Gary, as now that they are tall and strong and resemble him more.

The class reunion this Fisherman’s Picnic will honor 40 years since Gary and I graduated from Cook County High School. I want everyone to know it brings me joy to hear Gary’s name. Share with me your favorite stories of him and his life for I am sure there are many I don’t know. If there are pictures you can share, I’d love to see them. Let’s not shy away from the discussion of those we have loved and lost because we are afraid to upset our friends. Trust me, it is heartwarming to know others remember too.



I don’t have one childhood memory without Gary in it. Riding our push horses through the living room as toddlers. Coloring competitions using the coffee table as our desk. Kindergarten to 12th-grade sharing classrooms and friends. Camping and portaging with our parents on weekends. Riding bikes to Temperance River to swim. Snowmobiling the high line behind our house. We even worked together both at Lutsen Ski Hill and Satellite’s Country Inn. Gary would drive us to work in his old Ford pickup. He liked to swim, hunt and fish. He could get squirrels to eat out of his hand. Gary was a great cook. The last meal he made for our family was prime rib. His favorite birthday cake was a spice cake with peanut butter frosting. He was 48 on his last birthday. And I miss him.

I heard a man talk about his theory on death the other day and it rang so true to me. He said “Everyone dies twice in this world. Once on their day of death and once the last time someone says their name.” Remember to say their name. Hugs and Peace, Sandy

To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die. –

Thomas Campbell

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