Sawtooth Mountain Elementary fourth- and fifth-grade students recently participated in an inventor’s project. Each student presented his or her project to classmates and will display the final project in the spring project fair.
Theproject is designed to allow students to discover the power of their imagination and take part in the process of engineering an invention. Goals included problem-solving, developing curiosity and patience, developing and using math and science skills, and developing public speaking skills.

Middle Right: Marin Hay shows her “sandwich quarterer,” which cuts sandwiches in quarters when you push down on the handle. It is made of two cookie cutters, two pieces of grooved wood flooring, a screw and some scrap wood. Above Right: Will Lamb’s “auto coat, hat and mitten dryer” is for days when it is all wet and sloppy outside, or for when you go ice fishing. Warm air is pushed through PVC pipe with special vents that warm and dry your stuff. Above Left: Mariah Deschampe shows off her “ice gripped boots.”
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