Sawtooth Mountain Clinic is updating our technology so that we can continue to offer you the best of both worlds: personalized healthcare at a small-town clinic and cutting edge, precise medical record keeping. Previously, for annual physicals and some other appointment types, each visit’s required paperwork was mailed to your home with instructions to fill it out and bring it with you to your appointment. But what if you forgot it? Then you had to do it once you got to the clinic, cutting into your appointment time and potentially impacting other patients’ appointment times as well. Then, after you completed your part of the paperwork, it was handed off to a staff member, who would type your information into the system.
Soon though, this system will become more streamlined. You’ll be given both a registration time and an appointment time. The registration time is for updating your patient information and the appointment time is when you’ll meet with your provider. When you arrive to register, for some types of appointments, you’ll be handed an iPad. Don’t worry; our friendly and understanding front-desk staff will happily answer any questions you might have about how to use it. Using the iPad, you will enter your information directly into your medical records. This not only saves time, it improves accuracy, and increases confidentiality.
Your registration time will be scheduled for either 10 or 20 minutes before your appointment time, depending on the appointment type. Being on-time will assure that you get all your scheduled appointment time and all your provider’s attention. If you’re late, your appointment may have to be rescheduled, so that other patients’ appointments aren’t impacted.
Our service mission is to provide access to high quality, comprehensive, primary healthcare, and making sure your medical information is as accurate as possible is an important part of that.
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