Re: Terrell letter on fair tax
Why do people keep saying the sales tax is a fair tax? There are items every person must buy such as food. That letter states that prices will remain the same even if “shelf prices include taxes.”
We already pay state sales taxes on some items. When these items are purchased the sales slip will have the purchase price listed and then sales tax is added at the end. Wouldn’t a federal tax work the same way?
From the letter there will be no exceptions so who will be hurt by this tax? The low-income families will pay more in proportion than richer.
You want a “fair tax,” then consider “flat rate” income tax. A flat amount non-taxed with all other income taxed. No loopholes, no special income deductions. Then the statement you made—“everyone is treated exactly the same”—would really apply!
Treating everyone the same sounds good until you consider this: if handicapped are treated the same, they suffer. Allowances must be made to some extent for other differences.
Nelda J. Westerlind
Grand Marais
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