Cook County News Herald

Right on target



Now that staff, parents, and students have had an opportunity to take a deep breath after the end of the school year, it is time to reflect on one of the very impactful courses at ISD 166.

The sixth grade Safety Class, taught by Emma Spoon, added some excellent new curriculum to an already jam-packed course of study.

During May, two county staff presented information to both classes of sixth grade Safety Class students. Mike Keyport, the Director of Emergency Management, developed a slide presentation describing his leadership role during emergencies such as the fires and floods recently experienced in Cook County. He described mitigation (those activities to help avoid or minimize a disaster or its impact), preparedness (to enhance our ability to respond well), response (rebounding from a disaster to save lives and property), and recovery (the efforts to help us return to normal).

The second county representative who worked with students was Ann Sullivan, one of our county commissioners. Ann is no stranger to the school or Safety Class students, teaching regularly as a DNR Certified Volunteer Instructor. This year, she worked with Mike Keyport explaining the benefit of having a “GO BAG” in the event of an emergency. Ann shared her personal “GO BAG” with the students, and then, along with Mike, gave students a “GO BAG” of their own, complete with a printed list of what to include right on the bag.

She might be young, but Hazel Liechty already shows some fine archery skills. Photo’s courtesy of Ann Sullivan

She might be young, but Hazel Liechty already shows some fine archery skills. Photo’s courtesy of Ann Sullivan

The last week of school, Ann, along with a host of staff, volunteers, our three local DNR Conservation Officers and Marne Kaske (1854 Treaty), ran a Field Day event– complete with a new archery component.

Sixth graders thoroughly enjoyed the class, Field Day, and the additions to the curriculum which promote planning, preparation, and safety in the home and around the county when engaged in a variety of outdoor activities.

Cook County Director of Emergency Mike Keyport talks to kids about ways to mitigate or minimize the effects of disasters like floods or fires.

Cook County Director of Emergency Mike Keyport talks to kids about ways to mitigate or minimize the effects of disasters like floods or fires.

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