Minnesota snowmobilers are reminded to ride safely and check conditions frequently in light of the current challenging trail conditions.
The DNR issues these safety reminders: Don’t drink; slow down (particularly at night, on rough or icy surfaces, and when approaching high snow banks) and stay right; be prepared for emergencies; stay alert — heed caution and hazard signs; avoid traveling across bodies of water when uncertain of ice thickness and strength; dress in layers, wear a helmet and face covering, avoid loose scarves; watch the weather and check conditions before riding; bring a buddy; and report accidents right away.
To check current snow depths and state snowmobile (and ski) trail conditions, visit the DNR Web site at www.mndnr.gov. At the bottom of the left column, click on Snow Conditions. Trail data is updated as conditions change. The majority of snowmobile trails are local club trails and this trail information is not on the DNR website. Local contact information is available at http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/ snowmobiling/trailcontacts.html.
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