As I sit here in our VRBO in Decorah, Iowa writing this column we have just finished Anderson Christmas 1.0 and will be celebrating the Holthaus Christmas 2.0 in about two hours. (Cousin Christmas 3.0 has been pushed back to January.) I am understandably tired but not stressed. I guess I have learned to let things go. Easy recipes and disposable pans are lifesavers. Where I really drop the ball is pictures. 16 guests for Christmas Eve and Christmas day and only one photo taken. My parents with a few dogs on their laps as they tried to watch a movie. I then decided to start a 2022 Resolution List. I asked my family for ideas, but they were of little help. Watch more football and golf isn’t in my wheelhouse. A goal of reading more is not possible as I read a book a week already. These are ideas I felt would help build a better life in 2022.
Take pictures of family. I have hundreds of pictures of my five dogs on my phone and so few of my family. 2022 is the year of family photos.
Call friends or family a lot! If we can’t have personal contact, we need to have voice to voice contact. Texting without voice inflection isn’t the same. Jokes are funnier if you get an immediate laugh.
Get outside. I need more fresh air and sunshine. I tend to be a homebody. I like to read and do crafts, both hobbies can be easily done outdoors. I should add an Adirondack chair in the shade. For comfort.
Eat more fresh food. I read an article about 5 Alive. A person should eat a minimum of five fresh foods a day. I prefer fruit but I should try for veggies.
And finally, I will stick to my New Year’s Resolutions. Less Talk, More Listening. Less Planning, More Doing. Less Soda, More Tea. Less Junk Food, More Salads. Less Complaining, More Encouraging. Less Worry, More Hoping. Less Doubting, More Believing. Less Frowning, More Smiling.
Big hugs and a Happy 2022 to you and yours this Holiday Season. Take some time for yourself.
Peace, Sandy
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