The prevalent debates, whether on Capitol Hill or in State Houses, are tainted with absolutist rhetoric by politicians promoting religion or religionists promoting politics.
Both sides rely on a belief that we cannot be good without God (or gods) to tell us how to. This is the way it has been since mankind invented gods and demons as answers to the unknown, especially the unknowns of good and evil, right or wrong! Thus, for eons it has been prescribed through dogmas, doctrines and traditions (DDT) what it is to be good and what it is to be evil; and the DDT has been pronounced as infallible and therefore immutable truths.
However, as we look back through history we have to concede that the many prescriptions for good and evil have not always been right. What was once deemed good during one period of history was seen as evil during a following period.
So the question is, how can we trust what we are told is good or evil today when history tells us that it may change tomorrow? Think of various divinely commanded prescripts in the past to exterminate towns and people, smashing babies against the rock, witch-burning at the stake, crusades, vigilante assassinations, just to mention a few! It would be better for politicians and religionists to step down from the podium and pulpit and quit their absolutist rhetoric.
Jake Hjorth
Grand Marais
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