Cook County News Herald

Register now to “Keep It Moving”

It’s not too late to sign up for the February “Move It” event. Head to the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic website, get registered and get moving. All registered participants are eligible for moving to better health and state of mind, bragging rights, and for several gift certificates for fabulous prizes.

It’s not too late to sign up for the February “Move It” event. Head to the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic website, get registered and get moving. All registered participants are eligible for moving to better health and state of mind, bragging rights, and for several gift certificates for fabulous prizes.

It’s time to register for “Keep it Moving in February,” where teams and individuals are challenged to just keep moving. If you’ve participated in the past, continue to use your existing username and password.

We’ve gone around Lake Superior more than 13 times in the spring! That is more than 16,000 miles of moving our bodies as a community. Let’s see how many times we can do the Circle Tour in February.

Move It website features include: Track your individual and team miles of winter activities (indoor or outdoor); compare your progress this winter to your friends and neighbors; track your minutes of activity and watch your thermometer rise as you move toward the recommended weekly activity goal; an online calendar of active (indoor and outdoor) events in Cook County; and a link to the Volks Ski page to log your kilometers skied on Cook County’s ski trails

All registered participants are eligible for moving to better health and state of mind, bragging rights, and for several gift certificates for fabulous prizes. Register online at by clicking on the “Move It” icon.

Move It is sponsored by the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic with planning and support from Cook County Public Health and Human Services, Cook County Visitors Bureau, Birch Grove Foundation, Grand Marais Safe Routes to School, Superior North Outdoor Center, and the Cook County Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP).

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