The stated mission of ISD166 is “Success for Each – Respect for All.” There are no qualifiers such as: respect if you earn it or success for the most capable. Success for Each and Respect for All is the stated purpose of ISD166, presumably this is what gets our school’s dedicated staff out of bed each morning and into the complex world of trying to find a way for each child to be successful.
Kids come to that school environment every day from a lot of different places. Some come hungry. Some come with a disability. Some have a lot of chaos in their homes or perhaps parents who are alcoholics or have drug addiction issues. Some are white and some are not. And yes, many come from middle class, two parent homes where they get a lot of support in their education. Children cannot choose what family they are born into or what capabilities they are born with. But as a community we need to care about all the children among us. Success for Each and Respect for All.
So, what is all this talk about the Social Justice Conference? This is an opportunity to develop the student community. An opportunity for students to understand those around them who have different challenges and points of view. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes has a way of making us grateful for what we have instead of assuming we deserve the good things we have in life.
Empathy for others leads to gratefulness for the good in our own lives which in turns allows us to extend that grace to others. This is the reason every now and then it’s good to spend a day learning about other perspectives. It’s about the total community and who we want to be. It’s about “Success for Each and Respect for All.”
Thank you ISD166 teachers for making the Social Justice Conference happen. I for one, think you are awesome!
Rena Rogers
Grand Marais
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