Cook County News Herald

Quick Woman’s Wellness Weekend



Lately, life has been a little crazy. Not frustratingly crazy, but just busy and fun. We had our Women’s Wellness Weekend with my aunts and cousins in Denver, North Carolina. (Yes, you read that right…North Carolina, not Colorado.) My Aunt lives there on Lake Norman. This lake is 567 miles around. HUGE! The weekend consisted of two aunts, four cousins, and a dear friend. One of the cousins was brand new to our group. She is the beautiful, adopted daughter that found her mom, my aunt, after searching for several years. She was raised in Minnesota but now, as fate would have it lives very close to her birth mother in North Carolina. After five nights together, Lisa is one of the family! An odd sense of humor and all. She was the “games coordinator” for the group.

On the first day, we visited “Old Salem,” and like the confusing Denver, North Carolina, Old Salem, North Carolina, is not where the witch trial was held. (I should have paid more attention in Mr. Odell’s geography class.) We had a great time walking the town’s streets and shopping in cute gift shops. I bought a wooden Moravian Star. Just beautiful. We had an evening of playing a home version of “Chopped.” Each team was given a food basket and had to choose an appetizer, a side dish, and a dessert in 30 minutes. There were some crazy ingredients; Cotton Candy, a tube of cinnamon rolls, and pickles topped the list. Clever cooks that we are, everything was delicious!



My favorite evening was our Royal Boat Cruise! Complete with shimmering tiaras and sashes! We all had notable titles. Dancing Queen, Lady of the Lake, Mother Superior, and Leader of the Pack were some of the best! There was live music, a lake tour, and lots of wine for our fantastic dinner. I had to come back to Minnesota to rest. I look forward to these weekends all year and was sad my mom couldn’t go this year. She and her sister stayed with my dad and had a wellness weekend. Hugs and Peace to You! Sandy



“Self-care is how you take your power back.”

– Lalah Delia



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