Some of you have joined me in the joy of caring for my wife Carolyn and even our animals at Putt ’n Pets mini golf course and for that we are grateful. We love Grand Marais and the people here.
Recently anonymous complaints have been called in to the Sheriff ’s Office regarding the animals’ care. Please if you have any concerns about our little support animals (which they really are for us and many of you), call me at (651) 983-7832 and we can address the issues.
The goats have five shelters, one of which, called the “Happy Heights Goatel,” has three levels. They have a 10X steel roof and are fed hay and grain daily and have three containers of water, rain water from the roof.
The sheep and peacocks have a steel roof with a three-sided enclosure. The chickens and other birds have their own indoor protection called the “Chick Chalet,” and an outdoor steel roof.
The animals visit their Ely vet once a year for a check-up and vaccinations. Some fun facts: . Turkeys will sit on top of their man-made shelter in the worst kinds of weather. Pheasants will do the same. . Goats have been kept in shelters in the northern U.S. without additional heat for many years.
Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. We are delighted to be a part of the “Coolest Small Town in America.
Randy Sjogren
Grand Marais
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