Cook County News Herald

Plan to honor Veterans Day Nov. 11

There are a number of events in honor of Cook County veterans on Tuesday, November 11.

Grand Portage American Legion Post 2009 is holding its traditional Veterans Day commemoration at the Grand Portage American Legion at 8495 East Highway 61 at mile marker 146.

The event will begin with a drum ceremony at 10:30 a.m. and flag raising at 11 a.m. Curtis Gagnon will be the guest speaker. There will be refreshments and a raffle drawing.

The Veterans Room at the Old Log School will also be open after the ceremony for veterans who wish to visit.

In the afternoon, Cook County School District 166 is hosting a concert in recognition of Veterans Day at 2:00 p.m. The concert is conducted in cooperation with American Legion Post 413 and the Post 413 Legion Auxiliary.

The concert will be held in the varsity gym and is open to all community members. All kindergarten through 12th grade students will attend. There will be patriotic music by the Cook County High School band, conducted by Kerri Bilben, as well as other special music and speakers.

Two very special veterans, believed to be Cook County’s oldest veterans, Lu Pettijohn and Willard Nelson will be recognized at the concert.

See their stories on the next page.

There is no admission charge for this special community event, but anyone who would like to may bring a package of cookies for the “Cookies for Troops” project is asked to do so. Just drop them off on your way into the concert.

The student council is also looking for addresses of military personnel for the project. Contact the school at (218) 387-2271 with addresses or with questions.

Later that evening, American Legion Post 413 Auxiliary invites veterans to a roast beef and all the fixings dinner. The meal will be served from 4 -7 p.m. and is free to all veterans. The cost is $7 for non-vets.

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