Cook County News Herald

Photographers help celebrate beauty of Great Lakes

Biodiversity Project’s Great Lakes Forever program and Budweiser have announced the winners of this year’s photography contest to select the best professional and amateur photographs of the Great Lakes.

Thegrand prize winners in both categories will have their original photographs printed on the 2009 Great Lakes Forever/Budweiser beer coasters to be distributed to bars and restaurants in eight Great Lakes states.

This year’s grand prize winner in the professional category is September Shoreline
by Shawn Hamer in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The other finalists in this category were Mike Mikulich of Superior, Wisconsin, and for the second year in a row, Stacy Niedzwiecki of Rockford, Michigan. In the amateur category, the grand prize winner is Thirty Mile Point in Winter
by Gerri Jones of Wilson, N.Y. Theother finalists were Marvil LaCroix of Silver Bay and Steve Baukner of Duluth.

The contest is part of an effort to raise public awareness and to motivate the public to protect and improve the longevity of the Great Lakes by integrating environmental messages in common-place settings, like beer coasters.

In addition to printing the winning photographs on the 2009 beer coasters, the Grand Prize winners will receive Budweiser merchandise as well as recognition on the Great Lakes Forever Web site.

For more information on the 2009 Great Lakes Forever Photo Contest, see www.greatlakesforever. org.

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