Cook County News Herald

Pets of the Week

This is the time of year to look for Mama and Papa birds and their babies. Here are two of Lisa Bloomquist’s beautiful chickens. Look for fuzzy gray seagull babies on the roofs in downtown Grand Marais. You will find duck and geese babies with their parents swimming around the Grand Marais harbor and the Rec Park Marina. Photo courtesy of Lisa Bloomquist

This is the time of year to look for Mama and Papa birds and their babies. Here are two of Lisa Bloomquist’s beautiful chickens. Look for fuzzy gray seagull babies on the roofs in downtown Grand Marais. You will find duck and geese babies with their parents swimming around the Grand Marais harbor and the Rec Park Marina. Photo courtesy of Lisa Bloomquist

Do you have a favorite pet photo you would like to share? Tell us a little about your pet and send pictures and contact information to or Cook County News Herald, PO Box 757, Grand Marais MN 55604. Thank you!

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