Cook County News Herald

Open house on Gunflint Trail roadwork

The Cook County Highway Department will be hosting an open house to discuss upcoming projects on the Gunflint Trail (County State Aid Highway 12). The open house will be held 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, August 28, 2013 at the Gunflint Lodge Conference Center.

Two Gunflint Trail projects are slated for 2014 and 2015. They consist of replacement of the portion of the road between West County Road 92 and the Cross River.

County Engineer David Betts said, “These projects comprise removal of the pavement, repair of culverts in need of work, reshaping of the sub-grade and repaving of the roadway. Limited repair work on existing sub-grade problems will also take place.”

Interested parties are encouraged to stop by anytime during the open house to learn about the projects, ask questions, and offer comments.

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