y Birch Grove Community School celebrated the completion of its new nature trail system behind the school on October 23. Above: B.J. Kohlstedt of the Jeffers Foundation, which helped fund trail improvements, checks out the interpretive signs with students. Right: Jill Nocera, who designed the school’s new environmental education curriculum as part of her dissertation, displays the finished project.
Birch Grove Community School held an open house October 23 for the new nature trail system behind the Birch Grove Community Center. The nature trail conveniently connects to the outdoor classroom also located behind the center. The trail system was finished in August, complete with 10 interpretive signs.
B.J. Kohlstedt, representing the Jeffers Foundation, attended the event. The foundation helped make the project possible through a grant.
The Birch Grove Community School fourth and fifth graders were spotlighted at this event and had the responsibility of presenting the signs and answering questions on the particular subject matter. They were very enthusiastic to take on this project and did a great job.
Also featured at the outdoor classroom was the school’s new environmental education curriculum, which was designed specifically for Birch Grove Community School by Jill Nocera as her dissertation.
The school now has an environmental curriculum for all classrooms that is fully prepared and ready to be implemented.
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