Randy Lasky of Northspan Group, a Duluth nonprofit that focuses on economic development, and Josh Bergstad of the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission have spent a great deal of time in recent months focusing on the Cook County economy. At Cook County Higher Ed’s October Business Networking Luncheon, Lasky and Bergstad will talk about what they have learned thus far. Their topic: The Cook County economy: It’s not in great shape, and why that matters.
Lasky and Bergstad have focused on Cook County as part of their work guiding the Cook County Go Team, a group of county residents working to create an economic development action plan that can aid the county board, the Cook County – Grand Marais Economic Development Authority and others as they work to make the county stronger.
The Go Team includes 22 people from all sectors and all parts of the county. Their project is called Go Cook County: Creating Sustainable Development For All. Their work is financed by the city of Grand Marais, the EDA, the Cook County Board, Arrowhead Electric Cooperative, Inc., and others.
The Lasky/Bergstad luncheon will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31 at Cook County Higher Ed’s North Shore Campus, 300 W. Third St., Grand Marais. The luncheon will be catered by Cascade Lodge. To reserve a place at this luncheon, please email highered@northshorecampus.org or call 387-3411. Cost of the luncheon is $20, of which $15 pays for the lunch and $5 will enable Higher Ed to make a video of the event that can be made available to the community at a later date.
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