Cook County News Herald

North Shore hospice group offers “Light up a Life”

“Light up a Life” is a series of very special events that take place all across the country in the weeks leading to Christmas that allow us to remember the lives of friends and family. Events are organized by local hospices and are open to anyone, whether their loved one was cared for by a hospice or not. North Shore Health Care Foundation volunteers, working on bringing hospice and palliative care services to Cook County, have organized a “Light up a Life” event for Cook County. Community members are invited to make small donations to honor loved ones. Each $5 donation will light up one bulb in memory of one person on a Memory Tree. Donation forms are available at stores throughout the county as well as at the library, clinic and hospital.

On Thursday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m., the tree in front of the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic’s main entrance will be lit to honor loved ones. The tree lighting ceremony will include readings and music and is open to anyone. Refreshments will follow. For more information, contact Kay Grindland at (218) 387-9076 or email her at hospice@

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