Cook County News Herald

North Shore Health Care Foundation Tournament fees reduced

Staff photo/Rhonda Silence Although North Shore Health Care Foundation fees have been reduced for this year's Golf Tournament, there are many wonderful prize and raffle items to be offered, such as this print, part of a set of prints of the beautiful Superior National at Lutsen Golf Course, where the tournament will be played on October 4, 2009.

Staff photo/Rhonda Silence Although North Shore Health Care Foundation fees have been reduced for this year’s Golf Tournament, there are many wonderful prize and raffle items to be offered, such as this print, part of a set of prints of the beautiful Superior National at Lutsen Golf Course, where the tournament will be played on October 4, 2009.

Due to the economy and the times, the North Shore Health Care Foundation annual golf tournament numbers are down.

So, for this year, the foundation board is lowering the registration fee from $125.00 to $90.00 and refunding the $35.00 to anyone already registered. A check will be waiting at the registration table on tournament day for those who have already paid.

We know how much fun this event has been in the past and have brought back the traditional wonderful breakfast buffet and food. Sponsorships are good and we feel this event is too valuable a commodity to the community to let it slip away. Thebottom line is— golf teams and sponsors fund foundation grants to the community.

Although this discount in team registration fees may mean less money for the foundation grants, the board feels it’s worth it to keep this event alive.

Organizers remind participants that the annual event needs your support. The event motto is, “This isn’t just about golf; it’s about health care in Cook County.”

The tournament date is October 4 at Superior National at Lutsen. If you would like to register, call the Health Care Foundation office at 218-387- 9076 or Joan Crosby at 218- 387-2203 or 387-2336. Deadline for registration is September 30.

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