Cook County News Herald

No more fuzzy bunnies

It seems that Mr. Jerry Hiniker is suffering from what appears to be as the press calls it TDS [or Trump Derangement Syndrome]. It’s happening nationwide.

Look up the definition; it fits Jerry’s hyperbolic expressions to a tee. I hope he seeks medical help soon. His blood pressure must be sky high.

With the liberal left going out of their way to attempt to sabotage this nation and even this state, there is no trust. It has vanished. Our governor here last week demanded that the new Real ID Driver’s License Bill had to include all the [illegal] immigrants here in Minnesota. He stated it was a matter of safety. He stated that they are driving without licenses or insurance in some cases. How can you get cars these days without insurance or a license? Somebody at the capitol needs to answer that!

How about not breaking the law to start with? How about respecting our state?

How about ICE coming in and removing them? How about our politicians in St. Paul actually doing their jobs and make this a safe state to live in? Hasn’t happened yet.

And it won’t with twisted-thought liberals running major cities in this state. They have all announced themselves in the press as “sanctuary cities-schools and churches too.”

The pressure on our law enforcement to deal with the protests and illegals and crime and drugs is most likely crushing. I’m amazed they all haven’t gone batty.

The press and Internet estimate the headcount of “illegals” in Minnesota from 60,000 to 85,000. That’s right folks, and you’re paying their ticket. Bleeding heart stories from Canada about illegals crossing from Minnesota claiming there is no more “humanity.”

Feel like a meal ticket yet? Our forefathers came here legally with hat-in-hand.

What a slap in the face the “legal immigrants” take every day when another “illegal” sneaks in and then makes demands in a protest or the national liberal press or gets a free service from the ACLU or some other liberal group. The costs for the illegals we pay is in the multi-millions if not higher. Yes you are a meal ticket.

It is the old Obama redistribution of wealth plan and it is still working. How does it feel?

Lloyd Geillinger

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